Automatic determination of viscosity of washing oil
1. Key points of the method
The resistance that occurs between the molecules of a liquid when it is moved by an external force is called viscosity.
The Engler viscosity is the ratio of the time required for the sample oil to flow 200ml from the Engler viscometer at a certain temperature to the time required for distilled water to produce the same volume at 20℃ (the water value of the viscometer).
During the test, the oil flow from the sample should be continuous and linear. The Engler viscosity at temperature T is denoted by the symbol Et.
2. The instrument
2.1 Automatic Engler viscometer SH413 (Shandong Shengtai Instrument Co., LTD.);
2.2 Screen: 0.45um(40 mesh) copper mesh.
SH413 automatic Engler viscometer is designed and manufactured according to the requirements of the People's Republic of China standard GB/T 266 "Petroleum products Engler viscosity determination method", and in line with GB/T 24209-2009 washing oil viscosity determination method mainly determination of oil, washing oil viscosity. Under certain conditions of temperature and volume, the ratio of the time (s) flowing out of the Engler viscometer to the time (s) flowing out of distilled water at 20℃ is the engler viscosity of liquid, and the unit is Engler viscosity. At the same time, it is also suitable for measuring the Engler viscosity of emulsified asphalt and coal asphalt, expressed by Engler viscosity (EV). The measured temperature is 25℃ unless otherwise indicated.